Nadiya Hrytsyn Nadiya discovered Pilates several years ago after suffering from lower back pain. After several lessons, she was amazed at how quickly Pilates made an improvement to her back, posture and body.
It was whilst having lessons herself Nadiya was inspired to find out more about how Pilates worked so effectively for her, and as a consequence of researching Joseph Pilates's philosophy and methods, she decided to qualify as a teacher of Body Control Pilates for herself. His maxim of: ‘If your spine is inflexibly stiff at 30, you are old. “
If it is completely flexible at 60, you are young’, made complete sense to Nadiya, and subsequently, she has come to realise how Pilates helps people to maintain a stronger, more toned body in a targeted manner.
Nadiya is a fully qualified Matwork and Reformer teacher. She has been a Member of the Body Control Association since she gained her qualification in February 2015. She has also undertaken additional training for teaching Pilates to older people, pre and post-natal and to children.
If you need help booking a Pilates session with Nadiya or have any more questions, please get in touch via phone call, email or contact form.